Monday, September 25, 2006

Get This Now While It's Still Free!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Google Top 10 Ranking Using The Raw Power Of Web 2.0

It's now 2007 and I've been making the migration to Web 2.0 and you can now get listed with high ranking often within 72hrs. If you have No Search Engine Traffic? Want a High Google Page Rank and All the Traffic That Comes With a Web Site That Is Optimized For The Google Search Engine? Get Great Google Rankings!

But first here are the facts!!

Why is being Ranked 1st on The Google Search Engine Important?

Fact: Google has over 3 billion pages indexed - a billion more than it's nearest competitor.

Fact: There are 300 million searches on Google/Yahoo every day.

Fact: 55% of all online purchases result from an online search.

Fact: Without your own large email list or affiliate network, 90% of all traffic comes from search engines.

Fact: The top 3 listings in Google show up as the first 3 results in the web pages found in the Yahoo directory.

Fact: Yahoo and Google account for 67% of all daily online searches.

If you are not listed in at least the first ten spots on Google you are missing out on a huge reservoir of customers. The first 3 are the most important. Your customers are doing those searches daily. What are you doing to make your site easy to find on Google?

Google Top 10 Ranking

This is considered the Holy Grail Of Internet Marketing Why?? Simple really it's the Law of Supply and Demand.

Many people want top 10 rankings in Google for exceptionally competitive keywords. Only 10 people can rank there. If you are in a high margin field (such as insurance, gambling, porn, pharmacy) then significant investment will likely be necessary.

Most search queries are somewhat random in nature. You can't be certain what exactly will be typed into a search box. Ranking well for many targeted super niche specific phrases can help you rank well.

Every experienced webmaster will know Google is the main supplier of search engine traffic on the web, getting listed on the first page or anywhere in the top 10 positions for popular keywords will result in plenty of free quality targeted traffic.

For Google, many retailers eagerly jump through hoops here's an common example:
When business turned south last year at Corrugated Metals in Chicago, it turned to Google, the Internet's No. 1 search site.

Co-owners Ken and Tom Carlton spent $200 a month to get an ad for their business to pop up when someone searched for "roll forming," a process that turns metal into different shapes.
"Within days," says Ken Carlton, the ad "generated millions and millions of dollars in sales. ... I shudder to think of where we'd be ... without Google." Sales for the 26-employee firm are up 35%.
Corrugated's experience is a testament to the power of Google, where users can research everything from the Mars mission to the origin of Mars candy bars. The top of a Google search page is now the most vaunted position in cyberspace — especially if a Web site is trying to lure potential customers.

About 150,000 advertisers, like Carlton, take the easy way. They pay for ads that run next to Google's search results. But millions more try to get to the top of Google's search results without paying. They tweak their sites to match what Google's sophisticated technology looks for when ranking search results. They study Google's preferences and changing methods the way detectives study clues.

Google, which is reported to be considering going public this year in what would be the most-watched tech IPO in years, has become so important to marketing strategies that a cottage industry of consultants has sprung up to help companies get better results.
"I live, breathe and die Google," says Chris Winfield of New York-based 10E20 Web Design. He charges $1,500 to $5,000 to help make Web sites "Google friendly" and get them in Google's index of 3.3 billion Web pages.

I speak as an affiliate marketer for the last number of years starting out when Yahoo and Msn ruled the roost to surviving the google slaps,tickles,hiccups and more.

You can clearly see the tough competition you face and the high costs of time and money you can lose. Well I'm here to tell you what you seek I can give you for free or extremely low cost.
To prove my point do a search on google for keywords "online goldmine" I also have a number of sites with the same ranking using free techniques I'm willing to share. You can goto my site and get the same results with free tools and training and get high ranking with a few hours of work at most.

The first time takes a bit to get used to seeing things up but once done it's easy to duplicate which means you can have high ranking pages on google under a number of keywords.Which brings me to a very important point "keywords" using the system or any for that matter. Your title selection ,website name selection,keyword selection is the number one point to concentrate on "they all must match for a high ranking".

But the keyword is the anchor so you first must do some research two great free tools are first is a downloadable software to your pc "Good Keywords" at The second is an online service found at You'll find out more details on how these come into play from the free training on my site.

The second part you'll need is good content which is scary to some people but it doesn't have to be as something you'll see can give you the spark you need. It could be something you read, a TV commercial, something on the news, a billboard as your driving down the road and a thousand other places to inspire you. Again as you also look through my site you'll get a lot of ideas and more tools for this also. Or if you like to talk and are knowledgeable you can do podcasts to create the content you need and this can also be used to create audio ebooks. Video is also becoming more a part of the mainstream to get the word out you can also sign up to get a free exclusive video package from me.

Last part of the puzzle is linking which is getting sites with google rank and great content linking to your site.

To Find Out Simple Tactics That Catapulted My Web Sites To Multiple Top Rankings On The Google Search Engine Without Spending A Penny!


If you want your website to be listed in the top 10 on Google goto:

For the last several years I've been an affiliate marketer,webmaster,blogger,author,info broker and investor.
Online Goldmine