Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Traffic Secrets unleashed


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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shorten Your Blogging-RSS Learning and Submission Curve

A blog is a frequent, online publication of comments, web links, and news. It is an online Enzine of sorts. People maintained blogs long before the term was coined, but the trend gained momentum with automated published systems, most notably is blogger.com. Thousands of people use services such as Blogger alone.

So start your blog now and be ahead of the crowd for a change. A secret I'll share with you here before going any further is after you set up your blog go to
FeedBurner and follow the instructions to burn your feed. Then publicize your feed by inserting the msn and yahoo chicklets to your blog.

I know it sounds complicated but if you can follow simple instructions and cut and paste it should only take a few minutes. Caution you must be familiar with HTML so as not to make mistakes. If you're not sure ask a friend or if you don't know anyone I'll be glad to assist. This info is for you if you're familiar with the web - if you're a newbie it'll take a bit longer to implement

Once the chicklets are installed onto your blog, login to them using your yahoo and msn id's and add them to your my msn and my yahoo templates. From then on when you make an entry to your blog it'll automatically log itself onto msn and yahoo and broadcast itself to the web in addition to your rss feeds. Once this is done go to
PingOMatic and ping your blog to be indexed within days; not weeks or months.

Here are the reasons you should not ignore Blog advertising:

Remember when all search engines were free, and simply submitting your web sites got you listed quickly? Gone.

Then it was FFA pages, they brought in a ton of free traffic, built links to your site, and added to your mailing list like crazy. Tried one lately? Safelists were an online goldmine for a while... until bottom less email accounts were introduced.

Website sumbmissions now can take anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks to be indexed. While blogs and rss feeds can be indexed anywhere from 2-8 days which is better for you??

So once again I implore you to be one of the first in line and not be last again. This is the new trend just beginning to breakthrough. A few years or months from now you'll be able to sit back and smile as you watch the rest of the net stampeding to catch up.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Start Building An Army Of Affiliates In Less Than 15 Minutes...

Hey Everyone,
"Imagine This..." You are at war with your most hated enemy. You are in command of 50,000 troops ready to march onto the battle field. As you
see the enemy just beyond the horizon, you look back over your army and to your horror you discover... Total chaos and confusion!

All battalions are going in different directions. Some are only armed with water pistols instead of weapons. Some are only interested in fighting each other. And the worst part is... You cannot communicate with them; you haven't provided them any weapons, resources, or plans.

All you can do is cross your fingers and hope they figure it out on their own.

Can you fight a war like this? Of course you can't, but that's exactly what 99% of product owners are doing with their businesses.... They have no clue and they WILL lose.

With SpecialOperationsSoftware WebTrafficMachines all you have to do is fill in a few fields and it will automatically create traffic to your websites, backlinks, and even increase your search engine positions!

Equip yourself for war with...
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To Your Success,

PS Don't fight the war with ill equipped troops who have no idea what they are doing. Use specialoperationsSoftware WebTrafficMachines and win the war. ~~
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